Your source of information for all things RISE!

December 2023

Upcoming Worship Experiences

We hope you will join us!

Unless otherwise noted, exactly 10ish am
EMU University Commons
(1307 Park Road, Hburg)

December 10
“Far From Home”
Special guest Jennifer Davis Sensenig joins us to share about the work of Church World Service in supporting refugee resettlement in our area, as we consider the meaning of “home” in the midst of homelessness, exile, and wilderness.

December 17
Chris Zepp leads reflection on the promise of restoration
- that which leads our spirits to rejoice like Mary, and leads us “home with shouts of joy.”

December 24
Join us for a “Top Notch” Christmas Eve experience
“Home on the Farm!”

Here’s the plan:

First, please join us in crossing all of your fingers and toes because we really need the weather to be dry and NOT ten degrees on Christmas Eve this year. We’re going to think positively about this event and assume that the weather will cooperate. Obviously, if nature throws us a curveball, we will adjust and communicate appropriately about that.

We plan to gather at Top Notch Farm - the home of the Kemper / Kite Family - at exactly 11 am(ish). - Note time change to allow people more travel time to the location & more time for temperatures to rise. (Get directions and learn about the farm HERE). We will have quality time with the animals, a relatively brief worship experience and Christmas Eve s’mores/ snacks. We hope to conclude no later than 12:30 pm(ish). Those in attendance should dress very warmly and come prepared to be outside by a fire. Some hay bales will be available for seating, but feel free to bring a chair (blankets are encouraged too). Contact us with questions using social media, email or text. And bring allllll of your friends and loved ones!

December 31
Year in Review
Adam King will lead reflection on the year coming to a close and the new one being ushered in
***At the Ice House, Suite 203***

January 7
Epiphany Brunches
A twist on our usual First Sunday Brunch church!
We will gather in small groups in various homes for fellowship and reflection on Epiphany.
More details to come!
(We still need hosts for this event!
Please contact
Alexis Owens if you are willing to host a small group gathering.)

Advent and Christmas Giving Opportunities

A Hygiene Drive to support local refugees
Items Needed:

Toilet Paper
Diapers (sizes 1-5) and Baby Wipes
Shampoo and Bar Soap
Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
Feminine Hygiene pads
Disposable Razors and Shaving Cream
Antibiotic Ointment
Bandaids and First Aid Kits

Items can be dropped at Rocktown Counseling, Mountainside Chiropractic,
or brought to Sunday Morning Worship through the New Year


It’s that time of year when a bit of nostalgia sets in for many of us. We start to envision idyllic scenes with snowflakes, roasting chestnuts and warm woolen mittens. Our minds wander to cozy places that seem *almost* perfect. We say *almost* because there’s one thing that could make your nostalgic winter scene just a little bit better. A tiny bit more wondrous. A wee bit more … magical. What is that one thing, you ask?


That’s right, friends. It’s time to let RISE remove some of that holiday stress from your life. We can provide a once in a lifetime experience for your friends and loved ones (it might even move them to tears … and hopefully in a good way). We will dress festively and ensure that your special someone’s Christmas season is more merry and memorable.

Here’s how you order (hopefully several) snow great Christmas carol(s):

Fill out the carol request form using the button below. You choose your recipient and when you’d like your virtual carol delivered. You’ll also be able to choose your favorite holiday song (or let us choose it for you). If you’re not into traditional holiday music, that’s ok. We’re open to performing show tunes and hip hop, too, if that’s your thing. We will email or text the carol to your recipients, and they will repeatedly tell the story of the best Christmas gift ever.

We kindly request a donation of at least $50 per virtual Christmas carol (more is appreciated, and generosity encourages us to bring our absolute best to the performance ;-).

If you’d like to select a certain individual to perform your carol, we will do our best to accommodate that request. We request an extra suggested donation of $15 per carol (your requested person can be a RISE leader or someone else of your choosing).

If you’d like us to offer a spoken message or greeting in addition to performing the carol, you can indicate that on the form. We will gladly share that message on the video for an additional suggested donation of $15.

The fun begins NOW and will last through the end of the year. Please help RISE finish 2023 in a financially healthy place and help us continue mending God’s creation together! Spread some holiday cheer - it’ll be so great! And here’s some more good news - your suggested donations are tax deductible! Woo hoooo!


Help to support and rep our beloved community with some super cool merch! These items make GREAT Christmas gifts!

Staff Updates


After another brief run on RISE staff this fall, Adam King concluded his time as our Minister of Worship on November 30. And on January 2nd, Adam is starting a new position at EMU as the Recruitment Specialist for Eastern Mennonite Seminary and the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. This new role will offer exciting opportunities to bring his skills, experience, and training together in supporting the training of future ministers and advocates for justice in the Valley. (He does plan to remain involved with RISE - “just with fewer meetings!”)


On December 3, Will Stutzman concluded his time with RISE as our Music and Arts Coordinator. Will is graduating from Eastern Mennonite University and moving to DC to take a job in the theatre industry.  He will be working as an audio engineer, specifically managing microphones and making sure actors are wearing them correctly. He is sad to leave but excited to get started!

Introducing the (Not Bored) Board

In an effort to streamline and clarify our decision-making process as a community, RISE has recently established a board, which we are calling our "Not-Bored" Board (NBB)! This group has been tasked with oversight of decision making related to administrative and institutional matters for the community (e.g. property, budgeting, staffing, etc) so that the Leadership Team can focus its efforts on community life and programming. The NBB had its first meeting last month, and is made up of representatives from the Personnel and Finance Committees (3), student representatives (2), at-large community members (2), and staff (ex-officio). Those currently serving in addition to staff are: Jess Balac and Stephanie Stevens (Personnel), Rebecca Wong (Finance), Abby Dotson and Daniel Green (students), Wendy Carr and Coya Carter (at large). Expect more updates from the NBB as they continue their work in the New Year!

Hardly Christian Podcast

We are so excited to announce that our new podcast - “Hardly Christian” - is now live! In this podcast, a host will be joined by a few guests and spend about 30 minutes per episode discussing listener questions about theology, God, church, etc. with as much raw honesty as possible. We know that in many faith circles, expressing ideas or feelings contrary to traditional beliefs is seen as shameful or even heretical, but we believe that the most faithful thing we can do is lean in and provide space for those conversations without shame or notions of the “right answer”. We’d love for you to tune in!

If you would like to connect more deeply with RISE, you can start by submitting this short form to Get Connected!

Also, please sign up for texting services:
(We promise not to spam you or share your number!)

Text “RISE” to 833-803-0868 to join the primary list and receive weekly community updates and alerts

Text “RISEcares” to receive prayer requests, care needs, and community concerns and celebrations

we care about what’s going on in your life!

When life is good, we want to celebrate together. And when it isn’t - well, we want to be there for you then too. So keep us posted on what it is going on in your life. And when you have need for care or prayer, be sure to let us know how we can lift you up.

Requests for care and/or prayer can always be sent via e-mail to, texted to 833-803-0868, or submitted online via our RISE Cares form.

To receive updates on (non-confidential) care needs, prayer requests, and community concerns and celebrations, text “RISEcares” to 833-803-0868 or e-mail


Your generosity makes everything we do possible!!

Stay Connected

If you are fairly new to RISE and would like to begin to connect more deeply, you can begin by completing this short form to let us know about you, your interest, and your gifts: