Your source of information for all things RISE!
March 2025
Lenten Worship Series
We hope you will join us on Sunday mornings during the season of Lent
as we ask the question “Worth It: How Far Are You Willing to Go?”
Unless otherwise noted, worship begins at exactly 10ish am
John Wesley UMC Fellowship Hall (Downstairs)
445 Sterling St, Hburg
March 9
Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Luke 4:1-13
March 16
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Luke 13:31-35
March 23
Second Chances
Isaiah 55:1-9; Psalm 63:1-8; Luke 13:1-9
March 30
Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
April 6
Isaiah 43:16-21; Psalm 126; Philippians 3:4b-14
April 13
Palm & Passion Sunday
The Cost
Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Luke 22:14-23:56
April 20
Easter Sunday
The Payoff
Isaiah 65:17-25; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; Acts 10:34-43
Special Events During Lent
Ash Wednesday
March 5, 2025
12-3 pm - Ashes on Warner Commons at JMU
6 pm(ish) - WTF Community Meal with Otterbine and John Wesley UMCs in the Fellowship Hall
7 pm - Contemplative Ash Wednesday Service (led by Alexis) Downstairs in the Fellowship Hall
7 pm - Traditional Ash Wednesday Service (choir, organ, and sermon, led by Revs. Gordon and Adam) upstairs in the sanctuary
WTF? Lenten Edition
Wednesday’s at exactly dinner-ish! (6pm EST)
Downstairs at John Wesley UMC
Join us for a midweek check in to fuel your body, mind and soul. RISE will provide the meal and a Lenten topic for conversation. All you have to do it show up!
We welcome people from all walks of life and all walks of faith to join us on our journey. And we mean it. Everyone is welcome at RISE. Everyone. We seek to be a place free of judgment and full of love.
Good Friday
April 18, 2025
6 pm
Join us for a short contemplative service on the lawn outside JWUMC!
Easter Sunday
April 20, 2025
Outside on the lawn at JWUMC
(Weather Permitting)
Join us for all-new Easter Celebrations!
9:30 am - Potluck Brunch with JWUMC
10 am(ish) - Worship
11:30 am - Easter Egg Hunt with JWUMC
Special Community Opportunities
Help EMU pack 100,000 meals
for hungry children around the world!
(in two-hour shifts)
Friday, March 21, 10 am-8 pm
and Saturday, March 22, 10 am-6 pm
Yoder Arena at EMU’s University Commons
1307 Park Road, Harrisonburg
The EMU Y-Serve student club is hosting the two-day event (held March 21-22) in partnership with the Harrisonburg Tacos 4 Life restaurant and the Feed My Starving Children nonprofit. EMU students, faculty and staff, as well as volunteers from local church congregations, retirement communities, businesses and civic organizations will join together for the major meal-packing project at the EMU University Commons. Learn more HERE
RISE Merch Shop
The RISE Merch Shop is open for business! Order all of your favorite RISE gear shipped directly to your home. Profits from each sale go directly back to RISE operations.
Your generosity makes everything we do possible!!
One of our core values is, "God gives to us, so we give back." We're called to give as a joy-filled response to what we've been given. Your financial gifts make a tremendous difference in the lives of God's beloved in Harrisonburg and beyond. Whether it's helping to make sure children in our community have enough to eat, helping to respond to the mental health crisis in our community, or providing much needed backing for the operating costs of our spaces and staff — your gift is a part of God's dream and we are grateful for everyone who partners with us on this journey!
Make a one-time donation or set up recurring gifts today!
we care about what’s going on in your life!
When life is good, we want to celebrate together. And when it isn’t - well, we want to be there for you then too. So keep us posted on what it is going on in your life. And when you have need for care or prayer, be sure to let us know how we can lift you up.
Requests for care and/or prayer can always be sent via e-mail to, texted to 833-803-0868, or submitted online via our RISE Cares form.
To receive updates on (non-confidential) care needs, prayer requests, and community concerns and celebrations, text “RISEcares” to 833-803-0868 or e-mail
If you are fairly new to the community and would like to connect more deeply with RISE, you can begin by completing this short form to let us know about you, your interest, and your gifts:
You might also consider signing up for texting services:
(We promise not to spam or share your number!)
Text “RISE” to 833-803-0868 to join the primary list and receive weekly community updates and alerts
Text “RISEcares” to receive prayer requests, care needs, and community concerns and celebrations
And of course, please continue to check social media (Facebook & Instagram) and our website for all the updates and current information!