September 2022

A Special Message from Pastor Amanda

Join Amanda and her good friend and colleague, Drew Ensz (Pastor/Campus Minister at Arise at George Mason University) as they discuss all things fall. (Actually, this whole thing is basically an excuse to use ridiculous zoom backgrounds in an interview. You should still watch it, though!)

RISE Birthday Breakfast!

Join us for a special Birthday Breakfast to celebrate the 12th Birthday of the RISE Faith Community!

September 11, 10ish am
Hillandale Park, Shelter #10

If you are able, please sign up to bring something to contribute to the potluck:

(Do note that we will NOT be meeting at Pale Fire for worship on the morning of this breakfast!)

Have You Seen the new RISE Culture Book?

Do you ever get asked what makes our community special and unique? Ever find yourself searching for words to adequately describe this wonderful, beautiful mess we call RISE? The RISE Culture Book is here to help!! Whether in print or in digital form, this newly produced book is a convenient way to share our spirit and our love with those who want to learn more about us. Click below to check it out!

Worship with RISE

We meet most Sundays at Pale Fire Brewery (and live streaming via Facebook) for our Sunday morning worship gatherings -- always at “exactly 10ish” am.

Our current worship series is "Influencers" exploring the impact of mentors, models, and relationships.

A note about Covid: We know that Covid levels in our community are on the rise (no pun intended!) and we take this very seriously. However, the CDC has dropped its recommendation for universal masking as a community prevention strategy, regardless of community levels. Instead, when a community reaches a medium or high level, the current recommendations are for individuals: "If you are at high risk of getting very sick, wear a high-quality mask or respirator (e.g., N95) when indoors in public." Thus, RISE WILL NO LONGER BE MAKING MASKING RECOMMENDATIONS ON A WEEK-TO-WEEK BASIS, allowing individuals to follow their own sense of comfort and need.

As always, if you feel the need or desire to wear a mask - PLEASE DO SO! We trust that we each know our own bodies and needs best, and will respect the choices made by each one.

The Influencers Playlists are live!

In tandem with our current worship series, we have made some playlists with songs about our own Influencers, available on both YouTube and Spotify.

These are songs and artists that have been influential for members of our community - “earworms” that have left their mark on our souls and helped shape us into the people we are today.

YouTube Influencers Playlist

Spotify Influencers Playlist

SO Much is Happening with RISE U!!

There is sooo much going on in our campus ministry these days, we can’t even begin to list it all! Check out the RISE U Page for a sneak peak - or better yet, contact our Campus Minister, Abby Butler-Cefalo, and find out how you can join, support, or connect with our ministries with students.

Here are a few of the pics from the silly photo booth hosted by RISE U on the first day of the fall semester at JMU!

At RISE, we care about what’s going on in your life! When life is good, we want to celebrate together. And when it isn’t - well, we want to be there for you then too. So keep us posted on what it is going on in your life. And when you have need for care or prayer, be sure to let us know how we can lift you up. Requests for care and/or prayer can always be sent via e-mail to, texted to 833-803-0868, or submitted online via our all new RISE Cares form.

To receive updates on (non-confidential) care needs, prayer requests, and community concerns and celebrations, text “RISEcares” to 833-803-0868 or e-mail

Looking for a way to COnnect?

+Groups (“Plus Groups”) are our small groups here at RISE - a micro-community designed with the early church in mind. 4-10 group members form each +Group, which meets in a manner and at the time and place of the group’s choosing. These groups share life together by meeting regularly for spiritual development, social interaction and practical, mutual support.

If you are interested in joining a +Group, all you have to do is indicate your interest in a short email to, and you’ll receive a link to a Google form to collect a little more information from you as to your interest and availability. Want to learn more? Check our +Group FAQs, and if all else fails, just ask :-)


Your generosity makes everything we do possible!!

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