Your bimonthly(ish) source of information for all things RISE!

January 2023


A new course for those ages 15-25
beginning January 29

These are challenging times, and we all have a lot of questions. Your friends at RISE get it, and we want to journey together and explore God, the Bible, church traditions and so much more.

Think of this as “confirmation” - but without the obligatory membership stuff and other (sometimes) questionable parts. This will be a journey that leads to self-discovery and growth.

Rites of passage matter. Milestones matter. Questions (in community) really matter!

Pastor Amanda invites you to “Just Be”

Here’s fine print (please read carefully):

This experience is open to all persons ages 15-25. We are asking that all participants commit to regular weekly attendance. We get it - our lives are full, but we hope that you will create space in your schedule to “just be” and be transformed. Let’s be honest - showing up matters!

We will meet on Sunday afternoons from 2-4 pm (often at the Ice House). We will not meet over Spring Break or on Easter Sunday. Pastor Amanda will lead many of the sessions, but other amazing leaders may show up sometimes too!

Our first gathering will be on January 29th from 2-4 pm. We will meet 10(ish) times throughout the semester, and there may be a couple of other gatherings along the way, too. We will celebrate our journey together in a significant way in late April.

Sign up to join this experience by filling out this quick form

DM us or email Pastor Amanda at if you want to know more.
We hope you’ll join us!

Worship with RISE

We meet most Sundays at Pale Fire Brewery (and live streaming via Facebook) for our Sunday morning worship gatherings -- always at “exactly 10ish” am. But in this New Year we are trying out a slightly new rhythm - on the first Sunday of each month, we will be meeting for “Brunch Church” upstairs in Suite 203 of the Ice House. All other Sundays we will be meeting at Pale Fire as usual.

Our current worship series is "Reclaimed: maybe some things are worth keeping."

Pastor Amanda offers an introduction to the “Reclaimed” series…

Ask us Anything!!!

Do you have questions about life, faith and the meaning of it all? If so, you’re not alone! Many of us wrestle with big questions and long for a chance to ask them in a welcoming, shame-free space.

Ask Us Anything will offer safe space to ask questions and hear from three area clergypersons from various traditions. While they will not claim to have “answers,” these clergy will do their best to offer thoughtful and authentic responses to your questions. Panel participants will include: Georgia Metz (she/her), Pastor of Shalom Mennonite Congregation; Alex Zuber (he/him), Associate Pastor of Muhlenberg Lutheran Church; and our very own Amanda Miller Garber (she/her), Pastor of RISE United Methodist Faith Community.

Anyone and everyone of all ages are welcome! Contact us at or DM us on Facebook or Instagram with any questions. Hope to see you there!

A Bible Study for All College Students

This Wednesday evening small group study kicks off January 25! Created and lead by student leader/president Abby Dotson, it’s titled:
”THE WOMAN: studying feminism and social justice in the Bible.” Donuts and free coffee and tea provided! DM us or email for more info or if you need a ride!

Ash Wednesday Service

February 22. 2023
7:30 pm
Ice House, Suite 203

Pastor Amanda will also offer a daytime “drive-by” opportunity for an individual imposition of ashes and prayer.

More details to come, but mark your calendars now!

Are you a high school or college-age student interested in a summer Mission Trip?

Alongside the Pace Center at VCU, the Highland Support Project is organizing two young adult trips to Guatemala and Arizona! These trips are meant for all high school and college aged students, and focus on things like food sovereignty, art education initiatives, culturally relevant STEM education, and building stoves and relationships with members of the communities! If you are interested in joining one of these trips, click HERE to see a flyer with more information.

Two Additional Opportunities for Students!

  1. On the 3rd Wednesday of every Month, RISE students lead volunteering at Trinity Presbyterian Clothes Closet. New volunteers (and a deeper “bench”) would be most welcome!

  2. RISE College students are invited to lead worship this Sunday (1/29) at Trinity Presbyterian!

    If you are interested in being a part of either of these opportunities (or need more info),
    DM us or email

Have You Seen the RISE Culture Book?

Do you ever get asked what makes our community special and unique? Ever find yourself searching for words to adequately describe this wonderful, beautiful mess we call RISE? Available in both print and electronic form, the RISE Culture Book is here to help!! Whether in print or in digital form, this lovely short book is a convenient way to share our spirit and our love with those who want to learn more about us. Click the image to check it out!

At RISE, we care about what’s going on in your life! When life is good, we want to celebrate together. And when it isn’t - well, we want to be there for you then too. So keep us posted on what it is going on in your life. And when you have need for care or prayer, be sure to let us know how we can lift you up. Requests for care and/or prayer can always be sent via e-mail to, texted to 833-803-0868, or submitted online via our RISE Cares form.

To receive updates on (non-confidential) care needs, prayer requests, and community concerns and celebrations, text “RISEcares” to 833-803-0868 or e-mail

Looking for a way to COnnect?

+Groups (“Plus Groups”) are our small groups here at RISE - a micro-community designed with the early church in mind. 4-10 group members form each +Group, which meets in a manner and at the time and place of the group’s choosing. These groups share life together by meeting regularly for spiritual development, social interaction and practical, mutual support.

If you are interested in joining a +Group, all you have to do is indicate your interest in a short email to, and you’ll receive a link to a Google form to collect a little more information from you as to your interest and availability. Want to learn more? Check our +Group FAQs, and if all else fails, just ask :-)


Your generosity makes everything we do possible!!

Stay Connected

If you are fairly new to RISE and would like to begin to connect more deeply, you can begin by completing this short form to let us know about you, your interest, and your gifts: